Thursday, November 28, 2019
Sunday, November 24, 2019
What is meant by the word abortion Essay Example
What is meant by the word abortion Essay Example What is meant by the word abortion Essay What is meant by the word abortion Essay The word abortion means intentional destruction of a foetus or the inducing of a premature expulsion from the womb to cause death. (the termination and removal of a foetus while it is in the mothers womb). This can happen medically through a therapeutic abortion when the pregnancy is deliberately aborted or naturally through a miscarriage due to complications with the pregnancy. About 75% of all human conceptions abort in this way. The medical name for this is spontaneous abortion.A pill can be prescribed within 72 hours of unprotected intercourse or when contraception fails and a further two tablets 12 hours later. This pill is more commonly known as The Morning after pill.If the foetus is about up to 13 weeks old, a drug called prostin is usually given to make the uterus contract then the vacuum process will be used to expel the foetus. Special care is taken to ensure every piece of tissue is removed or this can cause serious harm. The medical name is vacuum aspiration (suction abo rtion). This is the most common method of abortion about 85% of abortions in England and Wales are done this way.Instead of using a suction tube, a scraping instrument (or curette) can be used and the foetus is scraped from the womb. In some places this method ahs almost been replaced by the suction method. The medical name for this is Dilation and CurettageInstead of using a curette small forceps can be used to crush the foetus and pull it out of the womb. This method is usually used later on in pregnancy. The medical name for this is Dilation and Evacuation.In very late abortions after 18 weeks, more common to America, the foetus life is ended with an injection of hormones called prostaglandins this induces the labour. The dead foetus is given birth to as if it were being born. Many late abortions are now performed by bringing on labour in this way.Abortion has been one of the most fiercely debated issues of the past millennium. As more people discuss it, new dimensions are added to the argument and this may be why laws vary from country to country and have changed so many times.Abortion has been legal in this country since 1967 when the abortion act was passed. The abortion act was passed because of an MP called David Steel. David Steel thought it was unnecessary for thousands of women to die each year through having back street abortions. Untrained people with un-sterilised equipment carried out these back street abortions. The abortion act stated, A mother can have an abortion if it is carried out before the 28th week of pregnancy. The act imposed this week limit because when the act was first passed the anti-natal equipment (ultrasounds etc) was very new and doctors didnt fully realise the amount the baby would have grown and developed. Also during the 1960s peoples attitudes towards women were changing, they now had more rights and could control contraception with the pill.The weeks limited was changed to 24 weeks under the 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology act where it was stated, An abortion should be carried out before the 24th week of pregnancy. It was altered because anti-natal technology and understanding had progressed rapidly and people realised there was a good chance a baby could survive if it was born at 28 weeks whereas at 24 weeks it couldnt. The law currently requires permission from two doctors to carry out an abortion.The current government would like to lower the week limit to 20 weeks, this is because anti-natal care has improved a lot even since 1990 and so a baby can survive at 24 weeks, but even now if a baby was born at 20 weeks there is no chance of it surviving. Nowadays abortions are carried out in hospitals or healthcare centres by trained doctors and nurses using sterilised equipment under these two acts. The governments plans may appease Pro-life campaigners who feel that human life is sacred.Some 17, 000 abortions are now carried out annually in England and Wales. Of the women involved, over two thirds are single and most have no previous (born) children.Southern Ireland agrees with the Pro-life point of view and so has made abortion illegal. This means that any Irish woman who gets pregnant has to travel over to Northern Ireland, which is governed by England to have an abortion. There are also many groups who are pro-abortion and feel that it is a womans right to choose what happens to her body.(ii) What biblical and Church teachings might be used in discussion about abortion?The Bible never mentions abortion directly because it is a medical term but it does have things to say about the sanctity of human life (sanctity is the quality of something considered so holy or important it must be respected totally). When they say this, Christians mean that they believe there is something special and holy about human life. They also believe that God makes each person individually and deliberately, so everyone has value.For example some of these teachings from the bible may be used as a Christians view. In Genesis 1:27 it proclaims, So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. So the bible teaches that people are in some way reflections of God, and that in human life, something that can be seen of God himself. Also in 2:7 it describes how God made Adam, and then breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. So Christians believe that only God can kill you because he alone created you.The traditional Christian teachings place the highest value on human life, which leads to them condemning the idea of abortion. One of the earliest teachings of Christianity not in the New Testament, The Didache, says: You shall not kill by abortion the fruit of the womb and you shall not murder the infant already bornThe Bible also says in Exodus 20:13 Thou shalt not kill. Both pro-abortion and Pro-life campaigners can use this statement. Firstly pro-abortion campaigners can say that human life doesnt start until the b aby is born but Pro-life campaigners can say that the Bible proclaims killing of anyone including a foetus is wrong. Christians believe that anyone shouldnt kill any living thing including a living foetus.Isaiah 49:5 says, And now, Saith the lord that formed me in the womb to be his servant This quote can be used by Pro-life campaigners who can say that God created us to serve and follow his commands. So Christians believe this quote means that God made you so only God can decide when you die.Acts 17:26 declares, And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed and the bounds of their habitation This quote can be used by Pro-life campaigners who can say that only God can decide when we die because he created us all. Christians feel that this statement means that only God can decide when we die because he created everyone in the world.Jeremiah 1:5 says, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, b efore you were born I set you apart. Basically this quote is explaining the fact that before a baby is born (a foetus) is separate from its mother therefore has the same rights to life.Lastly in Corinthians 3:17 it is written that, If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy: for the temple of God is hold, which temple ye are Christians believe this quote means that abortion is basically harming God himself because the temple of God is the human body because he created us all.Christianity is a very diverse religion it has many different churches that all interpret the Bible differentlyThe Church of England and the Church of Scotland teach that abortion is wrong except in extreme circumstances such as serious risk to the mothers health and life. They especially disapprove of abortion when the mother is doing it for selfish reasons such as saying her career is more important.The Free Churches believe abortion is down to the mother she has a right to decide. The only ch urch that rule abortion is completely wrong is the Roman Catholic Church.The Roman Catholic Church has the most traditional line on abortion. They believe the baby gains a soul at conception- Ensolement and that abortion is morally evil. They will not allow abortion under any circumstances what so ever, in fact they say, All people must realise that only God can end life, which is a view that reflects the quote from Act 17:26 that basically means, only God can decide when you die because he is the one who created you. A Roman Catholic Church in Glasgow even went as far as running a pro life scheme where they offered money and emotional support to pregnant women to keep their child rather than have an abortion. The scheme is open to women all over the world, not just in Scotland.The Roman Catholic view is completely different from the Methodist Churches point of view. The Methodist Church feel that abortion is perfectly acceptable if: The mothers life is in danger, The baby will be b orn with a severe handicap or the children already in the home will suffer if a new baby arrives This quote is like the one a pro-abortion campaigner could take for the text written in Acts 17:26 where the pro-abortion groups say even if God created all life a woman still has the right to decide what happens in her body.The two churches have interpreted the Bible quotes very differently with the Roman Catholic Church saying abortion is not allowed at all because it is murder. They have said this because in Exodus 20:13 it says Thou shalt not kill and they have interpreted this statement literally and have taken it to mean any person even a half formed one such as a foetus. The Methodist Church on the other hand has taken this quote and has disregarded it in a certain sense because they do not feel a foetus is a person. They have taken the view that when the foetus is in the womb it is not technically a human.I think the churches have interpreted the Bibles teachings differently beca use of their leaders, background and other religious viewpoints. The Roman Catholic Church is very traditional and interprets the Bible ideally and literally. The Roman Catholic Church has many ceremonies and sacraments. The Methodist Church is much more liberal and allows their followers more flexibility. The Methodist Church has tried to interpret the Bible in a way that is relevant for modern living.Depending on their own church of Christianity (Roman Catholic, Methodist, and Church of England etc) Christians can in some circumstances justify an abortion. If they are any other church other than Roman Catholic then Christians will always have at least one reason to have an abortion for example the baby having a severe handicap or the mothers life being in danger. This gives them a religious justification because it is saying yes you may have an abortion and we will not send you straight to hell, because of this it will make them feel better about themselves and their decision. Pro -life campaigners could rebuke all of the above statements by saying that no Christian can justify and abortion because if they do have an abortion they are going against God himself because he says in the Bible Thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13) Pro-abortion campaigners can say that even if their church doesnt allow an abortion then women should still have them if that is what they want because it is their right to do what they want with their bodies and not the right of their priest of the Bible. Personally I feel that any woman Christian or not is justified in having an abortion because it is her own right to do what she wants with her body.Through all of this, women from every religion continue to terminate pregnancies.(b) Explain how Christians might put their beliefs about abortion into action.There are many ways in which Christians who are against abortion might put these beliefs into action. Some examples of these actions are* Some Christians may wish to go to straight to th e source of the problem and cut it off right from the beginning. So they may organise talks for young people in their church, or work as young volunteers in a counselling centre which offers help and contraceptive advice to young people to try and give young people a chance to receive proper sex education so that fewer unwanted pregnancies happen in the first place.* A Christian may join a Pro-Life organisation, which campaigns against abortion, such as Life, SPUC (the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child) or CURA. By doing this they will help target advertise the disadvantages of having an abortion and the issues, how to help people who have had an abortion, people who are considering an abortion and abortion rights. They advertise in leaflets and magazines etc, targeting young women. They can give free pregnancy tests, expert pregnancy counselling, accommodation before and after birth, advice about rights, and help with baby clothing etc and support. Providing these serv ices will help to bring down abortion rates as it provides the insecure mother with security and wellbeing.* They may pray about the problem of abortion, perhaps asking Gods help for the foetuses and for the pregnant women if perchance the woman is pregnant with a mentally handicapped child she may pray to save the potential child.* They might take part in protests against abortion. Some of these protests could be writing letters to their MP, take part in marches or other demonstrations, carry placards advertising their opinions, besiege clinics which offer abortions, and try to persuade the people visiting the clinic to think again before keeping with their abortion plans.* Christians offering advice to someone who might be considering having an abortion might suggest that the baby could be adopted, as there are many couples who would happily take on a child as they could be unable to conceive etc. There are many Christian adoption agencies, and a Christian who is against abortion my support one of these and therefore encourage women to go through with their pregnancies and give the baby to a couple who will provide him or her with a loving home.* Sometimes abortions are wanted because having the baby is going to prove to be to easier said than done, maybe because it will be born with medical problems or perhaps are suffering with financial problems. A Christian who, because of their faith, can offer support for families or single mothers. For instance a Christian may offer to baby-sit for a single parent, so that he or she can go out with their friends to let a bit of the stress and strain of looking after a child off. Some Christians work as foster career which involves them looking after the children of parents who are finding it difficult to manage, on a more long-term basis. These things could save many abortions taking place therefore reducing the abortion rate. This is a serene type of protesting against abortion.* Generally in discussion with other pe ople they might show that they strongly disagree with abortion, and they might explain their opinions by making reference to their faith and maybe the bible. Its a simple method of putting a Christians faith into action but sometimes it can be the most affective.* Some Christians may choose to go the politics route and try and get the law changed about abortions. They could do this by voting for someone in an election who promises to make abortions more difficult to obtain. This would be making a start to getting the law changed and therefore clearing the lawful right to have an abortion.There are also many ways in which Christians who are in favour of women being able to have an abortion might put these beliefs into action. Some examples of these actions are* Again they may pray about the abortion problem.* They may join similar groups like Life only a group which campaigns for the right to choose abortion such as the BMA, the British Pediatric Association or other Pro-choice campa igns.* They might support an organisation which offers counselling for people who have had abortions.* Even if they believe that abortion can sometimes be a sensible choice they may still believe in giving young people a chance to avoid unwanted pregnancies in the first place by giving them a proper sex education.* Again they may express their views about abortion in discussion but this time how they feel it is sometimes the most loving choice, also discouraging other people to criticise women who have chosen to have abortions and pointing out the many reasons people have abortions and why people still have the right to have an abortion.(c) Abortion is never justified. Do you agree?Some people may agree with this statement becauseIt has been said that a foetus is not a human being; it is merely part of the woman. Whereas, medical science has proved that the foetus is biologically separate from its mother. From the moment the embryo is formed a new individual comes into existence, ge netically different from its parents. The development of test tube fertilisation has proven that an embryo can exist outside a female body. All these scientific advances confirm that the unborn is a separate human being. The terms embryo, foetus, baby, child and adult are just different words for a human being at different stages of life.Given the necessities, a foetus has the potential to grow into an adult.Many women think that they would have to give up their job or education if they were to have a baby, but now this is not true. There are laws which prohibit discrimination on the basis of pregnancy. Even though a woman may have to postpone some of her plans, the foetus right to live should take precedence over the mothers right to a certain lifestyle.Other anti-abortionists would argue that people with severe handicaps can lead happy and fulfilled lives. Every foetus is a unique, talented human being, a genius perhaps even a William Shakespeare or Beethoven. An example of a pers on is the education minister who is blind, David Blunkett. Other examples are people who are involved in the Paralympics, a large achievement and success of disabled people. A very famous man called Stephen Hawkins has motor neurone disease. He is a wheelchair user because he is paralyzed and can only communicate through a computer. He has achieved such things as being a famous author and is a very well known scientist.The main argument against abortion is that human life is sacred and that killing a human even a half formed one is wrong it is basically murder. Pro-life campaigners and the Roman Catholic Church agree strongly with that view. They believe that this life begins from the moment of conception and anything that takes away this life is the same as to murder. If it is wrong to kill a baby of 2 months, in the eyes of Pro-Life people and some Christians it is equally wrong to kill a two-month-old embryo. They see every human life both within the womb and out of the womb as s acred and from God. So they believe that a fertilised egg is a human being that possesses a soul from the moment of conception.The different types of abortion can be very harmful not just to the potential human beingTaken the morning after pill involves risks for the women long term health. These are a small risk of thrombo-embolic and cardiovascular complications that increase with age, obesity and smoking. Anyone with a family history of diabetes and hypertension is at increased risk. The textbooks on drugs also caution about the use of this method for people with migraines, epilepsy, depression, asthma, contact lenses and varicose veins. There is also a risk that you may remain pregnant after taking the pill.During vacuum aspiration artificial dilation of the cervix in pregnancy carries the risk that the cervix will be damaged and will be insufficiently tight to contain a subsequent pregnancy, so the mother runs the risk of miscarriage or premature delivery next time she is pregn ant. It is also possible for the wall of the womb to be perforated, which can be very serious for the mother.During dilation and curettage or dilation and evacuation unless all the parts are removed it is possible for infection to set in. Infection as a result of retained parts of the child or the placenta can result at worst such damage to the fallopian tubes and the ovaries that the women is unable to ovulate and the egg to pass through the fallopian tube. Infertility specialists regularly cite abortion as a major cause of infertility. If infection is not treated quickly the women will be very ill, sometimes haemorrhaging and needing urgent hospitalisation.Many believe that a baby is a human with rights from the point of conception, this means that many people believe from the point when the foetus is formed the baby is a human being. These people believe that abortion is murder and should not be legal and should not be carried out. They believe that if an abortion is carried out it should be treated as a murder and the mother should be given a prison sentence.There are also less significant views, such as, having an abortion can break down relationships, cause depression and tear families apart. Having an abortion could be seen as an obstacle in a relationship, the two dont know what to say to each other or how to react. It could break up a family by going against others wishes; for example if half the family wants the baby and the other half dont. This leaves the mother very confused and lonely. Depression is seen as a more serious case, mothers can become depressed by changes in the body, she could feel guilty and following a termination she could feel like a piece of her has gone.Some other reasons why pro-life groups and some Christians are so strongly against abortion are:A Child should not be punished for its parents irresponsibility. The argument here is based on the embryos right to life irrespective of the situation his/her parents find themselves in. If the conception of the child is due to casual sex, the parents should have no rights to decide if the child should live or not. They would probably only be having an abortion for their own convenience and not value the unborn childs life at all.Woman should not be allowed to put her career before her life of her child. In todays society many woman are career orientated and the untimely arrival of a child may ruin their career prospects. If a career woman becomes pregnant she may look for an abortion as a way of dealing with an unwanted child. The Pro-Life movement believe that no human situation can justify the taking of an innocent life. Obviously a person in this situation may need counselling or help in knowing how to reconcile her pregnancy with her career.Abortion may have physical or mental side affects for the woman. Many women who go through with an abortion sometimes suffer from depression as a result of it. Pro-Life groups try to inform the public of these realities while Pro-Choice groups pay little attention to this.Abortion is plain and purely murder. This is what Pro-Life people and many Christians see abortion as. They believe if we are able to justify abortion then we could just as easily excuse murder as in both cases youre killing with intent.On the other hand some people would disagree with this statement becausePeople for abortion are often labelled Pro-Choice groups. These include The National Abortion Campaign Lobby. Pro-Choice groups believe that it is the right of any woman to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes. Groups which are Pro-Choice believe that abortion should be made legal and be offered to all women. The arguments they make for abortion are as follows:The embryo in the womb is not an actual human being. This argument is based on the belief that the embryo is just a cluster of cells which is not a person but only has the potential to be a human being.A woman should have the right to terminate her pregnancy if she wishe s This argument is based on the belief that a woman has absolute right over her own body. In this argument the embryo in the womb is not considered to have any rights whatsoever.Abortion should be legalised to stop unsafe and unsanitary back street abortions. This is one of the strongest arguments for abortion. In modern day society girls can get abortions anywhere if they really wish. These back street abortions are very dangerous and could maybe even lead to the mother dying as well as the child dying. So for this reason Pro Choice believe abortions should be allowed.Woman may not have the facilities and the money to raise a child. This argument is based on the fact that bringing up a child can be a financial burden. Pro Choice believe that if a mother feels she will not be able to care for the child then it is irresponsible on her part to bring a child into the world.A woman has become pregnant as the result of rape or her life is at risk if she has the child. Pro Choice argue th at it is unfair to force mother to go through the trauma of pregnancy to have a child which will make her feel hurt as it will remind her of the rape. Pro choice groups also argue that if a mothers life is at risk then she shouldnt have to go through with pregnancy because it would leave any other children she has motherless. A foetus is only a potential human life, but there can be no argument about the humanity of the woman.The child maybe born with physical or mental abnormality. This argument is based on a warped value system that says that a person with a mental or physical handicap is worth less than a person who has no disability.Many people who argue for abortions agree that with or without the law, it will still happen. Desperate women will go to all sorts of measures to get an abortion. People who fight for abortion argue that it is safer to allow abortions to be legal, this way, women can get the treatment they need safely.Another view is that if a woman is ill with child she should be able to abort the pregnancy. Many believe that if a mother is ill or has been raped or knows that the baby will have no quality of life they should be able to have an abortion. Some women who are disgraced in their familys views argue that their prime concern for requesting a termination was for the potential child. How can a mother bring a child into this world when she knows she will not love or care for it?In 1991 nearly 90% of all the 163,000 who had an abortion did so, on the grounds that it would be damaging to their physical or mental health.Another reason is if the pregnancy was unexpected. Contraception is widely available but it is not yet 100% reliable; in fact no method is 100% reliable.Other factors as to why women need or have abortions are, she may be too young or too old, and there is some conflict as to how old a woman can be to have a child. Some women terminate their pregnancy because of AIDS and HIV. Mothers are scared this may be passed in to thei r babies.If a woman wanted a child and found out from a scan that it would be severely handicapped and disabled she may want an abortion. Surely, as a parent you want whats best for your child in the long run and not put him or her through the pain of at least a childhood and adulthood of teasing or even worse bullying. If he or she was severely disabled mentally then he or she may not be able to communicate. This would affect the child mentally and physically. In modern day society there is a high chance of being discriminated against. Everywhere people are prejudice so why risk any abuse. Why put it through pain all of its life when it could have no pain at all.Research indicates that abortion is very safe. In fact carrying on with an unwanted pregnancy can cause more long-term stress and suffering than abortion can. A refused abortion can cause the mother to feel hate towards the child.It has been estimated that one hundred thousand women a year die from illegal abortions in coun tries where it is illegal. An estimated two million women have illegal abortions a year; those that dont die could be left with permanent injuries which may not allow the women to have further pregnancies in the future.Many people believe that from conception to birth the foetus is part of the mothers body and she therefore has complete jurisdiction over it. Therefore, some argue she should be able to have the right to terminate it from any time between conception and birth. These people do not believe in the 24-week law and may try to terminate a baby after this deadline.Even if abortions are banned they will still be done illegally. For example last year on the coast of Dublin there was an abortion ship, which is on international water where people can get an abortion if they like.In my opinion I disagree with this statement. Abortion is justified, but only in some cases.I think that the earlier laws were too harsh and impractical and the more recent laws are too lenient and vague . A balance between the two must be established. I think that the weeks limit should be changed to 20 weeks as the foetus has nearly finished developing senses and a brain and therefore might be able to feel pain during an abortion.I believe that many of the reasons for having abortions are totally unacceptable. For example, there have been reports that some pregnancies were terminated because parents decided that their child was the wrong sex. I think that too many women do not look hard enough to find the possible solutions of the problems that arise with pregnancies. Parents must take more responsibility. It is the final decision for the mother and the baby which can never be undone. It is probably one of the most difficult and heart rending decisions that a female will ever have to make in her life. A decision which should not be taken lightly as abortion can harm you body not just your feelings. It suddenly ends a natural process and can make it difficult for you to conceive an other baby.If a woman does not feel she is ready to bring up a child, the best option is to give the child up for adoption as there are thousands of people who are desperate to foster or adopt children. I disagree with some people who believe that abortion is simply a last chance contraceptive.But I do believe that there are circumstances and situations in which abortions are the best option. For example, if the child will have severe disabilities or if the continuation of a pregnancy will cause a high risk of severe injury to the mother or even death because the death of the mother would leave other children without a mother and this will mean that all their lives will be hugely affected. I also believe that it is right to terminate the life of one or more foetuses involved in a multiple pregnancy to preserve the life of other foetuses. Finally, I think that although doctors should consult other doctors, they should not be prosecuted for carrying out an abortion in extreme circumst ances. For example, in 1938, Dr Alexander Bourne performed an abortion on a 14 year old girl after a gang of soldiers raped her. Dr Bourne informed the police and was prosecuted.When an abortion is requested, I believe the reasons for the abortion should be evaluated by an impartial body. They should also consider the possible outcomes of the situation, if an abortion takes place, and if it does not. The woman seeking the abortion should not be the only person whose wishes are taken into consideration. The family and father should also be given thought.I do not think that abortion should be made illegal either. If abortion was made illegal, hundreds of women would die trying to solve the problem of an unwanted child by themselves. It would also cause a raped mother to have the baby, which could lead to her hating the child, because it reminds her everyday of her dreadful ordeal. Some women would die if they continued with the pregnancy and need to have the option of terminating the pregnancy available to them. Not having an abortion could also lead to a severely handicapped child being born with no chance of surviving. In my opinion legal abortion should be an available choice for a pregnant woman. I dont class a baby as a living, human being until it is born and so I dont see abortion as murder.I also believe that once the child is born there are very little mothers who will regret going through with the pregnancy and birth no matter what the situation is whether they have financial problems or whether they are just not ready.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Methods In Archaeology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Methods In Archaeology - Essay Example By reading the way he presents his work, one can easily connect the various stages and even come up with the relationship between various these varied steps. The archeologist and the geologists use both absolute and the relative dating methods for them to determine the ages of various historical artifacts. However, both the absolute and the relative dating methods have their negative strengths and weaknesses. Limitations of absolute dating methodsOne of the materials used in the absolute dating method are Carbon. When carbon is used, there are various shortcomings that are associated with it. For instance, the half of carbon -14 used is roughly 5730 years. The half-life of this carbon makes it only effective to measure or rather date historical events of up to about only 75000 years. As per this technique, it is very important to note that dating events that occurred past these years are very difficult. Therefore, a person is just limited to investigate events that occurred within th is time frame. This is very unfair since it will not give the best chronology of events in life. It becomes very difficult to give a clear chronology of events that occurred a long time ago that the carbon-14 cannot date. It is also very difficult to date wood using this method since most woods is always burnt and may be found in the form of ash. Therefore, it is very difficult to differentiate when the wood burned and the date of the wood. Thermoluminescence is another form of dating used under the same method that also has its own problems.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Multinational firms are a force for progress‟. Discuss Essay - 1
Multinational firms are a force for progressââ¬Å¸. Discuss - Essay Example This report seeks to clarify this debate by evaluating the work of other researchers. Following the literature work of other researchers, relevant theories including Neo-Classic theory and Global reach has been discussed. Finally the analysis has been done to reach on a conclusion. Multinational companies have been a force for a century and one group of people believe that these companies have their root in the British East India Company of the 18th century; whereas, the other group believe that root of these companies is in 17th century Dutch (VOC) Verenigde Oost Indische Compagnie (Hijzen & Swaim, 2008). The point of Hijzen and Swaim highlights the point that multinational firms have been a force for a century now and their emergence is not a recent phenomenon. It is interesting to note that most of the researchers do agree that multinational firms are a force. A general argument is that inward investments made by multinational firm is a force for political, social and economic progress of the state for improving the rights of people however, this approach is limited because of various governments are very repressive (Kuhn). Multinational firms appear to exert powerful force in the developing country especially in the provision of health and safety and they are even more influential than governments and local cultures (Ladou, 1996, pg. 363-366). Multinational companies not only influence the host countries but they have a strong impact on both home and host states. Japan and United States are two major countries which are either the home countries or sources of FDI in the world, therefore, the role which MNEs are playing in both of these countries are directly influencing the decisions of policy makers and private sector leaders (National Academic Press, n.d., pg.16). The strong influence of multinational firms is insisting the governments to regulate the operations of these giants. Economic regulation of multinational world is a
Monday, November 18, 2019
Struth, Thomas (German), The Smith Family, Fife, Scotland, 1989 Research Paper
Struth, Thomas (German), The Smith Family, Fife, Scotland, 1989 - Research Paper Example Today, Struth is recognized as among the very first photographers who heralded contemporary German photography. Struth has had many of his works exhibited in Museums and other exhibition centers around the world. The most recent project which has further boosted his profile is his portrait of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip, the portrait was part of a collection taken to commemorate the Queenââ¬â¢s 2012 Diamond Jubilee. At the beginning of his photography career, Struth became popular for his ââ¬Å"Unconscious Placesâ⬠photographs; these represented cityscapes completely devoid of life. Part of this collection was on display until November at the Venice Architecture Biennale. Recently, Struth had an interview with Oââ¬â¢ Haghan a reporter with the Guardian newspaper. In this interview, Struth described his preference of photography to painting and also explained the inspiration behind his first photographs which represented skyscrapers. In the interview he explained that he made huge ââ¬Å"super-realist photographic paintingsâ⬠, these never greatly appealed to him and felt they were somehow stupid. This displeasure informed his preference for photography, his tutors and mentors at the time, Richter and Bernd Becher also preferred his photography. Struthââ¬â¢s initial photographs were of his own city, he took photographs of Dusseldorfââ¬â¢s streets and buildings. He explained that his emphasis on building arose from an inquiry on how history would find its place in our current lives, further; he wondered how architecture represents humanity. In answering these questions he found his style and methodology. Just like every artist, Struthââ¬â¢s photographs depict an individual who is largely reactive to the environment around him. This also includes the people he meets and interacts with. He is one who draws great inspiration from life and structures around him. In his own words, the subject of his photographs arises from a need to talk about
Friday, November 15, 2019
Effect of Drug and Alcohol interventions
Effect of Drug and Alcohol interventions This study seeks to look at whether drug and alcohol interventions are of benefit to that of the service user, especially from an adult perspective. It will seek to address the help that is out there to help individuals who might recognise the need to be rid of their addiction and to be restored back to their normal routine life, before the addiction gets a hold of them any further. Qualitative researches tend to concentrate on specific issues that are health related, and that such matters are fundamental to the temperament of our thoughts and feelings. Issues that a qualitative approach might find much easier to address, such is not the case when dealing with quantitative data. Therefore it is not a matter of asking whether or not qualitative research is better than quantitative approach, but rather what is the best approach to gather information for a specific research question such as their lived experience which is what this research is based upon. Because I aim to investigate th e benefits of interventions treatment provided by the healthcare and social care sectors therefore the best approach would be to use a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach will be used; this is to best understand the experience that they have faced, and the method of interviews will be used to help gather concrete data. When an individual becomes addicted, the user no longer consumes just for the fun of it or to get high. But in actual fact, the person with the addiction now relies on the alcohol or the drugs in order to perform on a day by day basis. One might say in some circumstances, the addicted persons daily life will revolve around fulfilling their need from the substance on which they are now hooked. This study aims to help those who are not aware of services provided out there, to gain knowledge and know that there are different sectors as well as inter-professionals whether it be healthcare or social care intends to help them fight their fears. By talking about the ir experiences and feelings they are now faced with and the required actions they now should take in order to tackle their addiction, will best help one to understand what best intervention treatment is benefit able for each individual as others might be more severe and likewise not so severe. Literature Review Intervention is the course of action for which an individual take advantage of when all other options has been exploited in an attempt to help a person conquer a drug or alcohol problem. (Drug alcohol addiction-recovery). It is an intentional method used by which change is introduced into an individuals thoughts, that of their feelings and behaviour. The process of drug intervention normally seeks reinforcement from a wide variety of service providers. In addition to specialist addiction services, this may include general practitioners, pharmacists, hospital staff, social workers, and those working in housing, education and employment services, who sees it crucial to approach individuals whom they recognise are self-destructing themselves. The National Treatment Agency for Substance Misuse (NTA) is a special health authority within the NHS, established by Government in 2001, to improve the availability, capacity and effectiveness of treatment for drug misuse in England (NTA, 2007). T he NTA has reasoned that there is absolute need for combined and harmonised input from a diverse range of professional groups. However in such case it should be that the local regions offer substance misuse individuals the choice of generic and specialist interventions (NTA,2006). Illicit drug users have multiple and complex needs, including high levels of morbidity and mortality, domestic and family problems, homelessness, physical and sexual abuse, and unemployment (Neale 2002). However in order to get help the person struggling with the addiction must first of all recognised the need for help. Habitually, an individual with substance misuse issues finds it hard to come to terms in accepting the fact that they do have a problem, by acknowledging this it is as if the world around them is at fault or that ones causing a commotion over nothing. Individuals who are uncompromising in regards to their addiction do not recognise the gravity of their problem. What matters to them is attaining the drug, despite the consequences. Neither health nor Legal implications are taken into considerations. The International Treatment Effectiveness Project (ITEP) is branch of the National Treatment Agencys Treatment Effectiveness strategy, which acknowledges matters for improving the excellence of treatment interventions. ITEP employs intervention to support care development which is referred to as mapping in the structure of a changing pattern guide. Mapping is a visual communication tool for clarifying shared information between client and key worker. It helps clients to look at the causes and effects of their thinking and also assists in problem solving. (NTA, 2007). Alcohol Drug Services has valued its involvement with ITEP. The project has delivered immediate and tangible, benefits for clients though mapping interventions that are clear, straightforward and meaningful. Hogan. T. 2007. (Alcohol and Drug services) This is used by qualified key workers along with their services users; this is in the format of maps which consist of five different stages and it shows the phase by which a client go through in order to get to the point where they then acknowledge that they may have a serious drug problem. Besides the mapping, the treatment manual included a concise intervention designed to change clients thinking patterns. This helps them to explore self and recognise the stage in which they are at, it highlights their strengths, things that matters to them most in life for example decision making, social relationships, careers and there morals and beliefs and how best they can improve their life It was envisage that services instigating this treatment manual would see a improved and encouraging change in service users self assessments of their treatment understanding over a period of time, in comparison to that of clients in services who had somewhat or no mapping. Research shows that the alcohol and drug services has valued the involvement with ITEP, it claimed that the project has provided direct and substantial assistance to that of the service users. Another programme that works alongside National Treatment Agency is that of the Drug interventions programme. This plays an important role in dealing with drugs and the decline of crime. Instigated in the year 2003, it was aimed at adult substance misuse criminals who specifically use Class A drugs, like for example heroin and cocaine and this is was aimed at helping them to get out of crime and to get on treatment and other support that is available to them. (DIP, 2003). It is stated in the Drug Intervention Operational Hand Book that above à £900m overall has shown interest in DIP since the programme has been established and readily available is constant financial support to guarantee that Drug Intervention Programme progression grows to be the reputable way of working with drug misusing offenders across England and Wales. (DIP, 2003). Majority of these offenders who makes use of the Drug Intervention Programmes are amongst the most difficult to reach and most challenging drug mis users, and are offenders who have not formerly had access to treatment in any significant way before. The advantage of DIP is that it concentrates on the requirements of the offenders by sighting innovative ways of inter-professional working, whilst linking pre-existing ones, across the criminal justice system, healthcare and drugs treatment services along with a variety of other assistance and rehabilitative services. It is stated that the Drug Intervention Programme and the Prolific other Priority Programme (PPO)are similar in their joint intention to diminish drug associated wrong doing by switching Prolific and other Priority Programmes into treatment, rehabilitation and other support services. The Improving Tier 4 provision quality service is a fundamental part of the National Treatment Agencys (NTA) Treatment Effectiveness strategy. This associates the responsibility that the entire stakeholder sectors can participate in cooperation with finding solutions and improvements. The provision and quality programme consists of two different but related categories of service provision as defined by Models of Care: they are inpatient treatment (IP) and residential rehabilitation (RR). Aftercare (AC) is a closely related category of service provision. (NTA, 2008) The credentials investigate the types of provision that are being referred to at any time appointed by the IP, RR and AC. The NTA Improving quality Tier 4 is referred to when the instruction may exercise all interventions treatments. It suggests that all indications to Tier 4 provisions ought to have incorporated care approach amidst Tier 3 or Tier 2 provision and with aftercare. (NTA, 2008). The Tier 4 service provision offers supportive responses to drug misusers whose consume has been ongoing, intake is quiet a substantial amount, individuals with complicated needs, and this can allow the drug users to move forward in the direction of long-term self-restraint when and where convenient. Institutionalise services can also admit and support disordered clients. However some Tier 4 service arrangement may perhaps also have a significant function to participate in whilst entertaining individuals aside from continual substance misusing livelihood by intervening early. In accordance with this, the NTA has already produced guidance on commissioning Tier 4 service provision, specifically the Models of Residential Rehabilitation for Drug and Alcohol Misusers (NTA, 2006d) and Commissioning Tier 4 Drug Treatment. (NTA, 2006b). Inpatient treatment and residential rehabilitation are evidence-based interventions and have been shown to be effective in improving client outcomes across the range of domains. The NTAs forthcoming review of the evidence base for drug treatment outlines the effectiveness of residential rehabilitation and detoxification. NTORS (2000) demonstrates the effectiveness of residential rehabilitation treatment in achieving positive outcomes in reducing both drug use and crime for clients, many of whom had more severe problems than those in community services. Specialist in-patient interventions have traditionally been focused at and work well with clients who have complex drug, alcohol and other health needs, those in crisis, those requiring medication stabilisation e.g. on injectable or high dose opioids, or for effective detoxification. Recent evidence also indicates that they may be effective in providing detoxification for younger drug misusers who wish to be drug free. Evidence also indicates that inpatient detoxification is cost effective in achieving drug-free status. Drug-specific aftercare is normally required to maintain abstinence, together with appropriate housing and other support. In-patient detoxification followed by residential rehabilitation is the most effective way for drug users to become drug free, if they are motivated to be drug free and this is the agreed objective3. Commissioners should develop local drug treatment system plans annually in line with Models of Care, which outlines the now well established four-tiered model of drug and alcohol treatment interventions for adults. Commissioners should also commission in line with the Treatment Effectiveness Strategy, particularly the emphasis on whole treatment journeys and commission full pathways of care, including aftercare and other support to enable clients to maintain positive outcomes achieved in treatment. One of the key principles which underpins the commissioning of the four-tiers is that drug and alcohol treatment services should be planned strategically. This means that the impact of the commissioning of any one intervention could be viewed in the strategic context of the drug and alcohol treatment system for a locality or region. These key principles are a major feature of the treatment planning process5 led by the NTA, which forms the basis of effective strategic planning and commissioning. This is expected to be an integral part of local treatment planning and should be used by partnerships and commissioners to address local population needs in line with the national priorities and on the basis of evidence of what works. Aim To investigate the drug and alcohol interventions in health and social care benefits on service users? Research Question How do drug and alcohol interventions in health and social care benefit service users? Methodology Qualitative data Qualitative data refers to expression or images, method used for interpretation. Qualitative data does not survive out there waiting to be exposed, but are shaped by the way they are interpreted and used by the researcher. The character of qualitative data is seen to be wholesome and intact by the act of research itself. Qualitative approach investigates the importance of in depth understanding for a research topic as experienced by the participants of the research. The qualitative approach has been used to study extremely complex experience which can be understood without being expressed in words (Bradbury Lichtenstein, 2000), others have suggested studies that justify answers like what or how type questions would be careful in using qualitative approach (Lee et al.,1999). Qualitative research usually does not seek to calculate or evaluate objects under examination using numbers, as this is an approach which deals within the quantitative domain. The profundity of qualitative data develops on or after the conversation between the researcher and the participant; the insights achieved throughout this course of action can only be achieved given the interaction between the two. Research Strategy: The research strategy chosen is the plan of answering the research questions (Saunders et al, 2000). It is a choice on the methodology to be used and how it is to be used (Silverman, 2005). The research strategy seeks to classify the alternative strategies of inquiry according to quantitative, qualitative and mixed method approaches (Creswell, 1998). From this research strategy a phenomenology approach is used. A phenomenology sample comes from the word philosophy and it provides a framework for a method of research. It is based within the Humanistic research theory and follows a qualitative approach Denscombe, 2003. The aim of phenomenological sampling is to investigate fully and describe ones lived experience. It stresses that only those that have experienced phenomena can communicate them to the outside world . (Todres et al, 2004). The phenomenological research strategy as a result answers questions of significance in accepting an experience from those who have experienced it. The phenomenological term lived experience is identical with this research approach. Phenomenology consequently aims to develop insights from the perspectives of those involved by them detailing their lived experience of a particular time in their lives (Clark, 2000).this sampling is about searching for meanings and essences of the experience. It gathers descriptions of experiences all the way through hearing the first-person accounts during informal one-to one interviews. These are then transcribed and analyzed for themes and meanings (Moustakas, 1994) allowing the experience to be understood. Husserls phenomenological enquiry originally came from the certainty that untried methodical study may perhaps not be the best to use to revise human phenomena and had become so detached from the fabric of the human experience, that it was in fact hindering our understanding of ourselves (Crotty, 1996). He then felt driven to start up a thorough discipline that found truth in the lived experience (LoBiondo-Wood and Haber, 2002). Quantitative v Qualitative: Quantitative data lend themselves to various forms of statistical techniques based on the principles of mathematics and probability. In contrast, qualitative research is suited to investigating and seeking a deeper understanding of a social setting or an activity as viewed from the perspective of participants (Bloomberg and Volpe, 2008). Qualitative research is concerned with the nature, explanation and understanding of phenomena. Unlike quantitative data, qualitative data are not measured in terms of frequency or quantity but rather are examined for in-depth meanings and processes (Labuschagne, 2003). Silverman (2006:42) warns that quantitative research can amount to a quick fix approach involving little or no contact with people or field and has been deemed inappropriate for understanding complex social phenomena. Approach: Typical methods used in qualitative research are structured interviews, surveys, structured observations and potentially a focus group. This is where the researcher places his or herself in the midst of the participant for a while, learns from that persons only when in the presence. Silverman (2006) recommends a qualitative philosophy to be appropriate when the researcher seeks to investigate an incompletely documented phenomena and aiming to provide a better means understanding of social phenomenon where processes are involved. Even without wanting to shift entirely away from a purely quantitative view of health, many people now appreciate that a basic understanding of qualitative research can have a positive effect on our thinking and practice. It offers new ways of understanding the complexity of health care, new tools for collecting and analysing data, and new vocabulary to make arguments about the quality of the care we offer. As a consequence of our enhanced learning, we come t o realize that qualitative research is neither a sham science nor a poor substitute for experimentation. Interviews: Interviews will be my method by which to gather data for this research. They are generally used in assembling data in qualitative research. They are typically used as a research strategy to gather information about participants experiences, views and beliefs concerning a specific research question or phenomenon of interest (Lambert and Loiselle, 2007). Important types of interviews are identified by Babbie (2007) they are known as standardized interview, the semi-standardized interview and the unstandardised interview. The distinctions regarding each type are predominantly concerned as to how the interview is structured. Interview process: Individuals will be chosen from a population 200 service users who attend on a weekly basis the local drug drop in centre for counselling, rehab or to be signed posted to other agencies who might be of help. Such individuals might be undergoing drug or alcohol interventions treatment to help them steer away from their addiction. Sample target will be aimed towards adults who may be institutionalised or living at home, but are faced with the challenges of been an addict and are trying to seek help. The size of participants will be 10 and have residency within the Northamptonshire area. Interviews notifications were sent in advance, as to prepare participant. A consent form prior to interviewers visit was sent (see Appendix A), and participants were provided with an outline of the types of questions (see Appendix B) that might be asked at the interview. This was to enable that they had adequate time to prepare and reflect what it is they would like to share and also to ensure interview er collected the right information from interview. In a qualitative interview it is important that the questions capture the interviewees perceptions and not those of the researcher (Perry, 1998). This is mostly to verify that the responses given were not probed by the interviewer. The interview was carried out the local drug and alcohol drop in center in a room away from other clients. This was to enable full concentration and for them to be more open, as they might feel embarrassed about the issue at hand. The researcher asked questions at the interview scheduled which can be found in (Appendix B).During the interview a soft approach was taken to give the participant a chance to settle down and relax. For such reason an easy question was asked to start off with, something which the interviewee might have had time to formulate views on already. The interviews took twenty five minutes per participant and notes were recorded during the interview. A convenience sample best represents the direction of this research as it generally assumes a consistent population, and that one person is pretty much like another. Data Analysis The presumption, by which qualitative data produce, ought to be honest. It is essential that there are evidence and reasonable argument to prove. The procedure carried out must be trustworthy and able to convince one that that the results obtained was not false. This is because the information that was gathered from the interviews ought to have value in order for inter-professional bodies to make use of it. Qualitative research must meet our expectations for rigorously conducted research and reliable information, but must be true to its underlying philosophies and methodologies. (2009). International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation. The data will going to analysed key themes from the ten respondents, and it is hope that this will help answer the research question. Thus the data gathered from the interviews shows concrete evidence in relation to that of the information shown in the literature review. Though not a sufficient amount of data from the literature review to speak on behalf of the service users as to how they felt whilst going through the different treatments, the interviews really helped in shedding some light as to what they thought. When asked the question how they recognised they needed help, some raised the issue that they recognise that their family lives were a mess, were not able to hold down employment and other issues. Responses received from the interviews where somewhat shocking, as some found they were still struggling to be rid of their addiction whilst others were trying to get back to norm within society. The individuals who shared that they were still finding it a bit difficult was due to the fact that the environment which they still remained in, did not help them to refrain but rather tempted them more, for some this was the challenges they faced. Others recognised that the intervention treatment centres out there were readily available to help them which one can say is a good sign for them. Ethical Consideration Qualitative research confronts ethical issues and dispute exclusively to the study of human beings. Standard knowledge in areas such as physics, chemistry and biology permits the researcher to presume a point of view separate from the purpose of study occurrence in questioning. Confidentiality is an important ethical concern for most when considering a rehab program or other drug interventions treatment. Each individual in recuperation may have experiences they may not feel comfortable sharing with everyone. It is therefore important for not just doctors, but for other inter-professional members to respect the confidentiality of each person that they are treating. Giving permission for the individual to come to terms with their experience which is part of the rehab procedure, and it is not somewhat to be hastened or taken for granted. Permitting the individual who might be feeling emotional the opportunity to heal their wounds from the drug and alcohol abuse is vital for recovery. This is why it is imperative that a client enquire what the confidentiality policies are before registering unto a treatment program. Likewise one can pose a risk of harm to that of the client and this is not by being aware of the restraint imposed by the institutions order. The p rofessional team has to ensure that their influence over the clients is not predominant and they have sufficient knowledge in regards to the plan of their treatment. Though the individual might not have the capacity to make choices, conduct them self in terms of their personal values and beliefs, however if all has failed that guardian has to attempt to reach a decision as best as the individual would do if they were able. The ethical principle of beneficence, the desired to do what is considered best for the clients and promoting their growth and wellbeing, is essential to the practise of rehabilitation counselling, ( Howie et al, 1992). Conclusion The confrontation of providing best care for every service user at the towards the end of their treatment are considerable. Success is vital, and works best when all services and practioners understand each others roles and find means of working together. It is anticipated that the information received from the research will be used to improve inter- professional working and improve services. In-patient and residential rehabilitation drug and alcohol services should be commissioned as part of Integrated Care Pathways..These Integrated Care Pathways should be commissioned with clear routes into inpatient services, which seamlessly lead to residential rehabilitation (if required) followed by a community-based substance misuse support package,. Housing, education and employment support is important for individuals who have completed treatment and returned to the community if they are to sustain the gains made from Tier 4 treatment. Commissioners of drug treatment systems, should have in place the appropriate local links to work in close liaison with other local commissioners in the development of health, social care and housing strategies to ensure those leaving in-patient and residential rehabilitation services have access to the wide range of services necessary to provide comprehensive and effective packages of care. A key issue is the availability of housing support services and move-on accommodation for drug and alcohol users leaving in-patient and residential rehabilitation services. The data gathered showed that Appendix A August 2010 To whom this may Concern, My name is a researcher from the University of Northampton. I got hold of your information from the organisation which you attend daily drop in sessions, so therefore I decided to contact you. My research requested access from you in order to conduct it, as I understand that you fit my criteria for my area of study. As part of my research, I am undertaking an examination to see whether the interventions provided by the healthcare and social care services are of great benefit to you, and does it help you steer away from your addiction. The objective of my study is to best understand what it is like for you to deal with the addiction once it has gone so far. In order to undertake this research, I would be really grateful if you could give consent for me to carry out my research in the form of short interviews which will last up to 45 minutes with just myself been the researcher in your own domain. Notes will be taken at the interview and everything said will remain confidential between us. I look forward to your reply and for us to discuss the matter at hand further. Yours sincerely (NAME) Appendix B Interview schedule How did you recognise you needed help to stop taking drugs or drinking alcohol excessively? What support did you get from the inter-professional workers? Explain the challenges you faced in your decision to stop taking the drugs or alcohol? What benefits do you think youve gained from the interventions been introduced to you? What has been your experience from using the interventions services? Do you think there are enough services around to help you, if and when you do decide to refrain drugs or alcohol?
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Becoming A Soldier :: essays research papers
Becoming a soldier The clock was ringing so loudly, it was like he was actually screaming at me. I reached my hand and slapped it. I did not want the night to be over already. I knew that this morning would be very long and grueling, the morning that I have been waiting for in a great fear for several months. It was the morning I was drafted to the army. In Israel, every boy and girl who reaches eighteen have to join the army. It is mandatory and it is for a minimum of three years for boys and a year and eight months for girls. During the eleventh and twelfth grade you go through several classification processes, in which the army determines where will everyone serve. The process of classification includes several tests, some of them are physical and others are in math and Hebrew. So on the day you are drafted you suppose to know where you are going to serve and what you are going to do, at least for the first few months of your service. For me the experience of joining the army at the age of eighteen was very difficult. I felt that these are my best years but instead of taking advantage of them I am going to the army. In other countries, when a person reaches eighteen he is usually going to college and "start his life". I on the other hand, was about to do one of the most demanding mission a man can do. I postponed my recruiting day as long as I could in order to travel and enjoy as much as I could in that time. I knew that I was going to be a fighter and give up the convenience of being home everyday, eat home made food, go out with friends, sleep in my bed. Instead I would sleep in a tent or lie on the ground on a stake out, eat bad food, and get to know new people. All that was hard for me to accept at the age of 18. To my parents I was the third child to go into the army. My older brother, who was also a fighter, was released two years before I got drafted. And my sister, who served in the intelligence corps, was released only four months before. We all woke up that morning like we did the past two times. Becoming A Soldier :: essays research papers Becoming a soldier The clock was ringing so loudly, it was like he was actually screaming at me. I reached my hand and slapped it. I did not want the night to be over already. I knew that this morning would be very long and grueling, the morning that I have been waiting for in a great fear for several months. It was the morning I was drafted to the army. In Israel, every boy and girl who reaches eighteen have to join the army. It is mandatory and it is for a minimum of three years for boys and a year and eight months for girls. During the eleventh and twelfth grade you go through several classification processes, in which the army determines where will everyone serve. The process of classification includes several tests, some of them are physical and others are in math and Hebrew. So on the day you are drafted you suppose to know where you are going to serve and what you are going to do, at least for the first few months of your service. For me the experience of joining the army at the age of eighteen was very difficult. I felt that these are my best years but instead of taking advantage of them I am going to the army. In other countries, when a person reaches eighteen he is usually going to college and "start his life". I on the other hand, was about to do one of the most demanding mission a man can do. I postponed my recruiting day as long as I could in order to travel and enjoy as much as I could in that time. I knew that I was going to be a fighter and give up the convenience of being home everyday, eat home made food, go out with friends, sleep in my bed. Instead I would sleep in a tent or lie on the ground on a stake out, eat bad food, and get to know new people. All that was hard for me to accept at the age of 18. To my parents I was the third child to go into the army. My older brother, who was also a fighter, was released two years before I got drafted. And my sister, who served in the intelligence corps, was released only four months before. We all woke up that morning like we did the past two times.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
One of NBAââ¬â¢s Greatest Starters
Saying Kobe Bryant sucks at basketball, is like saying Napoleon Dynamite isnââ¬â¢t funny. He is, and Kobe for sure doesnââ¬â¢t! In May of 2008 he got his ââ¬Å"Most Valuable Player Awardâ⬠for the first time ever in his career. (Naik, par. 5) He has won many awards in his career, and helped the Lakers win the playoffs 3 years in a row. By the ending of 2007, he was the youngest player to reach 20,000 points in his career. Heââ¬â¢s a hard working basketball player who deserves all the praise he gets. Kobe had an easy early life, with his dad being an NBA player himself. Except his dad wasnââ¬â¢t exactly a star. Jellybean Joeâ⬠was one of the players no one wanted. He was drafted to the Warriors, but they didnââ¬â¢t like his contract demands, so he was traded to Houston. After a year with Houston, the Bryant family packed their bags for Europe, where Joe signed a contract with a team in Reti, Italy. It only took a couple of months for Kobe and his two sisters, Shaya and Sharia, to learn the Italian language. (Stewart, par. 7) Joe was the reason Kobe developed the love for basketball. In Italy, Kobe would go to practices with his father, and would hardly ever miss a game of his. He would often entertain fans during halftime by shooting some baskets. When the Joe decided to move back to the US, Kobe was just starting High School. It took him to his junior year to really get the hang of things and get used to living in America again. When they moved back to America, Kobe was one of the best players on his summer league at Sonny Hill. When he started high school, he made the varsity basketball team. (Stewart, par. 16) His junior year, he averaged 31 points and 10 rebounds and 5 assists. He was named the Pennsylvania Player of the Year award. (par. 9) When Kevin Garnett went pro right out of high school, Kobe knew he wanted to go pro straight out of high school. So he knew he needed to step his game up to be good enough to. His dad scheduled that he practice with the 76rs that summer. The practice really paid off because his senior year he helped his team win its first state title in 42 years. That summer, Kobe decided to go pro immediately after high school. On Draft day, he was picked at #13 by the Charlotte Hornets, except when Jerry West of the Los Angeles Lakers talked to the coach of the Hornets, and got Kobe Bryant at the 25th pick. He signed a 3. million contract lasting 3 years with the Lakers. He averaged 25 points on their summer league. He was only 18 years old, and was the youngest starter in the NBA (par. 35). His success didnââ¬â¢t end there, though. Kobe helped the Lakers win in the Championships 3 years in a row. In 2002, he was named Most Valuable player of that yearââ¬â¢s All-Star Game (Naik, 3). But in 2003, he came back into the spotlight for something other than basketball. He was at a resort in Colorado, where he accused of sexually assaulting a 19 year old who worked at the resort. Kobe admitted to having sexual contact, but it was a mutual agreement on doing it. He turned himself in, and he was arrested but then released on a $25,000 bond. The case was dropped though, and he got away free of charge. In 2008, when he played in the Summer Olympics in Beijing, China, he won gold in the Menââ¬â¢s Basketball division. Later that year he won his first ever NBA Most Valuable Player Award (par. 5). Something recently happened to Kobe Bryant lately, though. Kobe has had a pretty successful past year so far. In 2010, he and the Lakers won the Play-offs. He is currently working really hard on helping the Lakers get to the Play-Offs again this year. His current point average is 25. ; itââ¬â¢s gone down, but not by much. In January of 2009, he was the youngest player to reach 27,000 points in his over all career. On April 13, 2011, he was issued a $100,000 fine for an ââ¬Å"offensive and inexcusableâ⬠comment during the night beforeââ¬â¢s game. His comment was ââ¬Å"such a distasteful termâ⬠that ââ¬Å"should never be toleratedâ⬠says NBA Commissioner David Stern (Stern, par. 1). He is one of the highest scoring players in the NBA. Some rumors have been going around saying Kobe is retiring after the 2010-11 season is up, so he and Phil Jackson (his coach) can retire at the same time. Kobe Bryant has been very successful in what he does. Heââ¬â¢s one of the best players out there. The Lakers are very lucky to have him on their team. But my question is, what is the basketball world going to be with out Kobe Bryant playing? Whoââ¬â¢s going to take his place when he retires? But anyways he is a very, very, very successful basketball player, and he really does deserve praise and honor of what he does. Heââ¬â¢s the best of the best, and the best should be recognized. Some may say that heââ¬â¢s not good at what he does, but I say he really is the best, and they are all just jealous of the skills he has.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Sample Grad School Recommendation Letter by a Professor
Sample Grad School Recommendation Letter by a Professor Successful graduate school applications are accompanied by several, usually three, recommendation letters. Most of your graduate admissions letters will be written by your professors. The best letters are written by professors who know you well and can relay your strengths and promise for graduate study. Below is an example of a helpful recommendation letter for admission to graduate school. What Effective Recommendation Letters Should Include An explanation of the context in which the student is known (classroom, advisee, research, etc.)The evaluationData to support the evaluation. Why is the student a good bet? What indicates that he or she will be a competent graduate student and, eventually, professional? A letter that does not provide details to support statements about the candidate is not helpful. What to Write Below is a template to help you organize your ideas as you compose a students letter of recommendation. Section headers/explanations are in bold (dont include these in your letter). Attention: Admissions Committee [if a specific contact is provided, address as indicated] Introduction: I am writing to you in support of [Student Full Name] and [his/her] desire to attend [University Name] for the [Program Title] program. Though many students ask me to make this request on their behalf, I only recommend students whom I feel are well-suited for the program of their choice. [Student Full Name] is one of those students. I highly [recommend, recommend without hesitation; as appropriate]à [he/she] be given the opportunity to attend your university. The Context in Which You Know the Student: As Professor of Biology at University Name, for X years,à I have encountered many students in my classroom and lab [edit as appropriate]. Only a small handful of outstanding students offer a unique perspective and really embrace their learning of the subject matter. [Student Name] has consistently shown promise and commitment, as indicated below. I first met StudentName in my [Course Title] course during the [Season and Year] semester. Compared to the class average of [Class Average], [Mr./Ms. Last Name] earned a [Grade] in the class. [Mr./Ms. Last Name] was evaluated on [explain basis for grades, e.g., exams, papers, etc.], in which [he/she] performed exceptionally well. Illustrate the Students Competencies: Though StudentName has consistently exceeded in all areas of [his/her] coursework, the best example of [his/her] promise is indicated in a [paper/presentation/project/etc.] on [works title]. The work clearly showed [his/her] ability to deliver a clear, concise and well-thought presentation with a new perspective by demonstrating.... [embellish here]. [Provide additional examples, as appropriate. Examples that illustrate research skills and ââ¬â¹interests, as well as ways in which you have worked closely with the student are particularly useful. This section is the most important part of your letter. What can your student contribute to the graduate program and professors with whom she may work? Why is she exceptional - with support?] Closing: StudentName continues to impress me with [his/her] knowledge, skill and dedication to [his/her] work. Iââ¬â¢m sure you will find [him/her] to be a highly motivated, competent, and committed student who will grow into a successful professional [edit as appropriate- indicate why]. In closing, I highly recommend [recommend without reservation; highest recommendation; add as appropriate] Student Full Name for admission to the [Graduate Program] at [University]. Please feel free to contact me if you require further information. Sincerely, [Professors Name][Professors Title][University][Contact information] Recommendation letters are written with a specific student in mind. There is no generic grad school recommendation letter. Consider the above as a guide as to the sort of information to include as you write recommendation letters but tailor the content, organization, and tone for the particular student at hand.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Financier Russell Sage Attacked in 1891 Office Bombing
Financier Russell Sage Attacked in 1891 Office Bombing One of the wealthiest Americansà of the late 1800s, financier Russell Sage, narrowly escaped being killed byà a powerful dynamite bomb after a visitor to his office threatened him with a bizarre extortion note. Theà man who detonated a satchel packed with explosivesà in Sages lower Manhattan office on December 4, 1891, was blown to pieces. The strange incident took a grisly turn when the police tried to identify the bomber by displaying his severed head, which had been remarkably undamaged. In the highly competitive eraà ofà yellow journalism, the shocking attack on one of the citys richest men by a bomb thrower and a madman was a bonanza. Sages dangerous visitorà was identified a week later as Henry L. Norcross.à He turned out to be an outwardly ordinary office worker from Boston whose actions shocked his family and friends. After escaping the massive explosion with minor injuries, Sage was soon accused of having grabbed a lowly bank clerk to use as a human shield. The badly injured clerk, William R. Laidlaw, sued Sage.à The legal battle dragged on throughout the 1890s, andà Sage, widely known for eccentric frugality despite his $70 million fortune, never paid a cent to Laidlaw. To the public, it just added toà Sages miserly reputation. But Sage stubbornly maintained he was simply adhering to principle. The Bomber in the Office On December 4, 1891, a Friday, about 12:20 p.m., a bearded man carrying a satchel arrived at Russell Sages officeà in an old commercialà building at Broadway and Rector Street. The man demanded to see Sage, claiming he carried a letter of introduction from John D. Rockefeller. Sage was well-known for his wealth, and for his associations with robber barons like Rockefeller and the notoriousà financier Jay Gould. He was also famous for frugality. He frequently wore, and mended, old clothing. And while he could have traveled with aà flashy carriage and team of horses, he preferred to commute by elevated trains. Having financed New York Citysà elevated railroad system, he carried a pass toà ride for free. And at the age of 75 he still arrived at hisà office every morningà to manage his financial empire. When the visitor demanded loudly to see him, Sage emerged from his inner office to investigate the disturbance.à The stranger approached and handed him a letter. It was a typewritten extortion note, demandingà $1.2 million. The man said he had a bomb in his bag, which he would set off if Sage didnt give him the money. Sage tried to put the man off by saying he had urgent business with two men in his inner office. As Sage walked away, the visitors bomb, intentionally or not, detonated. Newspapers reported that the blast frightened people for miles. The New York Times said it had been clearly heard as far north as 23rd Street. In the downtown financial district, officeà workers ran into the streets in a panic. One of Sages young employees, 19-year-old stenographer and typewriter Benjamin F. Norton, was blown out a second floor window. His mangled body landed in the street. Nortonà died after being rushed to the Chambers Street Hospital. A number of people in the suite of offices received minor injuries. Sage was found alive in the wreckage.à William Laidlaw, a bank clerk who had been delivering documents, was sprawled on top of him. A doctor would spend two hours pulling shards of glass and splinters out of Sages body, but he was otherwise uninjured. Laidlaw would spend about seven weeks in the hospital. Shrapnel embedded in his body would cause him pain for the rest of his life. The bomber had blown himself up. Parts of his body were scattered throughout the wreckage of the office. Curiously, his severed head was relatively undamaged. And the head would become the focus of much morbidà attention in the press. The Investigation The legendary New York City police detective Thomas F. Byrnes took charge of investigating the case. He began with a ghastly flourish, by taking the bombers severed head to Russell Sages house on Fifth Avenue on the night of the bombing. Sage identified it as the head of the manà who had confronted him in his office. The newspapers began referring to the mysterious visitor as a madman and a bomb thrower. There was suspicion he may have had political motives and links to anarchists. The next afternoons 2 p.m. edition of the New York World, the popular newspaper owned by Joseph Pulitzer, published an illustration of the mans head on the front page. The headline asked, Who Was He? On the following Tuesday, December 8, 1891, the front page of theà New York Worldà prominently referred to the mystery and the weird spectacle surroundingà it: Inspector Byrnes and his detectives are still completely in the dark as to the identity of the bomb-thrower, whose ghastly head, suspended in a glass jar, daily attracts crowds of curious people to the Morgue. A button fromà the bombersà clothing led police to a tailor in Boston, and suspicion turned to Henry L. Norcross. Employed as a broker, he had apparently become obsessed with Russell Sage. After Norcrosssà parents identified his head at the New York City morgue, they released affidavits saying he had never shown any criminal tendencies. Everyone who knew him said they were shocked at what he had done. It appeared he had no accomplices. And his actions, including why he had asked for such a precise amount of money, remained a mystery. The Legal Aftermath Russell Sageà recovered and soon returned to working.à Remarkably, the only fatalities were the bomber and the young clerk, Benjamin Norton. As Norcross seemed to have no accomplices, no one was ever prosecuted. But the peculiar incident moved into the courts following accusations by the bank clerk who had been visiting Sages office, William Laidlaw. On December 9, 1891, a startling headline appeared in the New York Evening World: As a Human Shield. A sub-headline asked Was He Dragged Between the Broker and the Dynamiter? Laidlaw, from his hospital bed, was claiming that Sage had grabbed his hands as if in a friendly gesture, and then pulled him close just seconds before the bomb detonated. Sage, not surprisingly, bitterly denied the accusations. After leaving the hospital, Laidlaw began legal proceedings against Sage. The courtroom battles went back and forth for years.à Sage was ordered at times to pay damages to Laidlaw, but he would stubbornly appeal the verdicts. After four trials over eight years, Sage finally won. He never gave Laidlaw a cent. Russell Sage died in New York City at the age of 90, on July 22, 1906. His widow created a foundation bearing his name, which became widely known for philanthropic works. Sages reputation for being a miser lived on, however. Seven years after Sages death, William Laidlaw, the bank clerk who said Sage had used him as a human shield, died at the Home for the Incurables, an institution in the Bronx. Laidlaw had never fully recovered from the wounds suffered in the bombing nearly 20à years earlier. Newspapers reported that he had died penniless and mentioned that Sage had never offered him any financial assistance.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Stalking Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Stalking Behavior - Essay Example Stalking can cause mental and psychological distress to the victims, paralyze professional and social life, with repercussion on health and even raise the incidences of accident and injury. Violent staking behavior can lead to injury and deaths. Legal sanctions by it-self may not be effective in preventing stalking behavior completely. Often the victims is not able to perceive talking behavior, analyze the risk factors, or even acknowledge and cooperate with authorities to stop such behavior. Effective coordination among all including, legal, societal, educational, health care etc is required to counter the problem of stalking. Effective nursing can play an important role in preventing further incidence of stalking and recovery of the victims. Stalking as per the Law on Proscribing Stalking Behavior and Assisting Victims refers to any repetitive conduct, behavior or action where the victims feels stalked harassed or victimized. These can include lurking, following, observing, repeatedly trying to make contact with a person even without his/her consent, not accepting a refusal, harassing or targeting a persons, the persons partner, spouse or relative, silent phone calls, verbal abuse, violent acts against a persons, or anything that annoys, threatens, troubles or defames the persons reputations etc. It has been found that stalking behavior is not restricted to a particular gender but there are greater documented incidences of male stalkers. There are a numerous other behavior that a stalker may resort to. Stalking behavior can vary from mild to serious stalking. It is often difficult to perceive stalking behavior initially. Mild stalking behavior in most cases goes unnoticed. In many cases mild stalking behavior can become more serious over time. In most cases stalking behavior is misleading because stalkers appear harmless at first. Latter on this may transgress to persistent annoyance caused to the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Media archeological analysis of a technological Essay
Media archeological analysis of a technological - Essay Example s and valve amplifiers are low current and high voltage devices that normally operate at relatively lower voltages and higher currents for a similar level of power. The trait of high voltage makes the tube and valve amplifies to be suited for radio transmitters. The valves amplifiers are used in the contemporary society in instances such as high power radio transmitters. Experts argue that valve amplifiers shall reduce noise that is typically experienced in Wi-FI systems, without losing their musical and the treble details. Various transistor amplifiers sound harshness and they emphasize the loud sound that is found in the CD players. The transistor amplifiers have a tendency of emphasizing the sibilance of the soft sounds. The valve amplifiers are classified into different classes. The class A amplifiers lack crossover distortion at the lowest levels. Moreover, the valve amplifiers permit an individual to heat the ââ¬Å"silenceâ⬠amid the notes, followed by silence (or the note dying echo in the concert hall) immediately followed by silence (or dying note echo in the concert hall. The classes ââ¬Å"Aâ⬠valve amplifiers have significant ââ¬Å"silenceâ⬠amid the instrument and notes that create an exceptionally stereo image on quality loudspeakers, If the volume of the valve amplifiers is adjusted. Valve and tube amplifiers are used mainly in guitars as well as in high-end-audio as a result of the sound quality that they produce, and as a result of their linear nature that results from their low distortion. Valve and tube amplifiers are vastly out of date in other places as a result of their higher consumption of power, weight and reliability when compared to other transistors. Telephony is another application where valve and tube amplifiers are used. This is for the reason that a solitary valve repeater amplifier can increase various calls at one instance, and thus it is cost effective. In the present society tube and valve amplifiers are mainly used for musical
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